Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I'm Alive (Barely) - A Life Update

   Yes, I know. There haven't been any updates in forever. I haven't been able to blog for sooo long. The second I got back to Åbo, I got sick (the flu) and I'm still coughing and sniffling away. School has begun (started this Monday) and I've gotten off to a pretty slow, comfortable start. I have a lot of classes right now, and will continue to have a lot of work on my hands until the end of the school year. I still haven't quite gotten into the old, daily routine and it'll probably take some effort to actually get going again!
   I've spent a lot of time in the past week with Theo (mostly because he took great care of me when I was sick), but whenever I had the time, the energy and wasn't affraid to afflict my friends health, I made sure to see them. The newcomers among my friends are doing great so far, and I'm really proud of them. I went to pride with one of the ones I feel closest to, and went to visit one of my best friends in the city at her new apartment.
   I feel like despite being sick and that I'm constantly exhausted from trying to get back old routines and keeping my cough at bay, I think I've gotten off to a pretty good start with my new school year.
   The new year is going to be a lot more challenging than the last one, but I'm actually looking forward to it. Feeling a lot better than I did about last year, I feel like I'm ready to take on everything!.

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