Monday, September 18, 2017

Day #261 Productivity

Productivity is a strange thing for me; it either works at 100% capacity, or it doesn’t work at all. I either do everything, or I do nothing. Today’s been one of those positive days, where I’ve actually gotten quite a lot of work done, publishing four blog posts, finishing my part of a group assignment, and taking some notes for my statistics class. I also went to another apartment showing, which I view as yet another step towards getting my new home, which I both need and look very much forward to.
On days like this one, being productive makes me feel really good about myself and what I do, I feel like I’ve actually worked towards my goals and accomplished something, and I honestly don’t think there is a greater feeling than that.

I love the sense that I’m always moving forward, getting things done, aiming upwards, towards bigger, better things, that I’m working towards my goals instead of just waiting for them to be achieved.

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