I often get to hear that I’m not feminine enough, and I know I don’t fit into the stereotypical mold of a “pretty girl”. I laugh too loud, talk too much, have too dark humor, wear too much makeup and my hair is too short… My personality and my looks are the kind that take up a lot of space, and there are people who don’t get along all too well with me because of that. But telling me I’m not “feminine enough” because of that is ridiculous, and the worst thing is that I know I’m not alone in this. So if you’ve ever heard that you’re not feminine enough, or even tought it yourself; here’s to you!
First of all: feminine enough for who? For the person who tells you this “insult” about yourself? For the people around you? For society? Truth is, there is no “feminine enough”, there is no line where you can cross over into the feminine side, there ís no such thing. Trust me, you don’t want to be “enough” for the person who tries to use what is and isn’t in your nature as an insult towards you. If the people around you don’t accept you, surround yourself with people who will. And as for society, we know that it’s twisted and wicked already, so why listen to it further?
It should go without saying, but as it clearly doesn’t: you’re the only person you need to be enough for. Do you think you’re feminine or masculine (because of course, the same applies to masculinity) enough for you? If the answer is yes, then great, you’ve already accomplished to reach the point of this blog post. If the answer is no, take a long hard look at yourself. Self reflection is key, my friends, and it will unlock things about you you had no idea you possessed.
You only need to be enough for you, and when you are, you will automatically surround yourself with people who’ll appreciate and love you for your personality. When you decide to be enough for you, everything will resolve itself. I know it sounds corny, but it’s true. Accepting yourself is the best thing you can do, and comments from other people about your personality or your looks won’t matter anymore.
Be masculine enough for you, be feminine enough for you. Be good enough for you.
(Photo source, upper picture: @castielwatson on instagram
Photo source, lower picture: @Darthvenn on Twitter)
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