Sunday, September 17, 2017

My Home Has No Walls

My home, does not have a single wall
yet keeps me from my downfall
My home, without a single room
keeps me from reaching certain doom
My home is not a house, not for rent or sale
it’s not even the place where I receive my mail

My home has a heart, a soul, a voice
and it supports me in every single choice
My home has a face, nose and eyes
the warmest of hellos and hardest of goodbyes
My home moves with me, wherever I may go
and that’s just the reason for why I know

My home is where my heart is, resting here with you
and for the life of me, there’s nothing I’d rather do
My home keeps me safe, by day and by night
safe from sorrow, safe from anger and from fright
Before this poem, I never really knew

but my true home, is you

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