Friday, September 15, 2017

New In!

   I haven't done anything on here for a while, I know. All I can say is that my plate has been full, running all over the place to make the dozens of parts that is my life fit together. My friends, my boyfriend, my school work, my alone time, all my habits… The blog has been suffering, I’m well aware. And I want to thank you all for your patience regarding my hiatus.
 However, today I have news. Actually “news” is quite the strong word, but look at my shoes and the new hoodie! I was really feeling these semi-goth vibes when I went shopping, and this is the result. I wanted some fab shoes that I could wear every day (and despite them being heels, they are freakishly comfortable!) and I found the perfect pair. These lace-up boot like shoes are amazing, both in look and in feel, and I feel so cute wearing them! I become really tall tho, like 1.73, but I don't mind that too much.
  Also the hoodie. I have been looking for something like this since forever, something long and warm enough to wear all year, but not too hot for warm days, and now I found it! The cut is perfect, and the hoodie adds this amazingly cozy feeling. I love them both so, so much!
  Thanks to Theo for taking these cutesy pictures of me!

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