However, today I have news. Actually “news” is quite the strong word, but look at my shoes and the new hoodie! I was really feeling these semi-goth vibes when I went shopping, and this is the result. I wanted some fab shoes that I could wear every day (and despite them being heels, they are freakishly comfortable!) and I found the perfect pair. These lace-up boot like shoes are amazing, both in look and in feel, and I feel so cute wearing them! I become really tall tho, like 1.73, but I don't mind that too much.
Also the hoodie. I have been looking for something like this since forever, something long and warm enough to wear all year, but not too hot for warm days, and now I found it! The cut is perfect, and the hoodie adds this amazingly cozy feeling. I love them both so, so much!
Thanks to Theo for taking these cutesy pictures of me!
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