Many of these things, I learned the hard way. I learned that there are people who will take everything as an insult, or personal attack, no matter what you say or how you word it. I learned that a lot of people close to me aren't that comfortable with me sharing things about them for hundreds to see, and that some of them want to be known only by name or not even by that. I understood this after quite a few mistakes, so now when I get close to new people, I always ask before I post anything about them at all, because I still remember how crappy I felt when exposing someone to something they weren't prepared for or comfortable with.

I'm not the type of person who likes a lot of direct attention, but I've learned to love it when it's through a screen. I've learned that some days I'm comfortable sharing, some days I'm not, and that that's perfectly fine. I've learned that it's perfectly okay to be myself, even online where people often are more judgemental than in real life. I'm even starting to learn how to use my blog as a side income, slowly but surely, taking baby steps.
I want to thank all of you who have been with me through this amazing learning process, and all of you who keep returning, day after day to read my ramblings and mediocre poems. I want to encourage all of you to express yourself creatively, and be yourself no matter what happens in your lives. People will accept you, just like all of you have accepted me. Thank you.
(picture credit 1st: theblogstarter.com, picture credit 2nd: Click to Tweet))