Two days after entering the cave, an exhausted and blood-covered Sarah emerges from the cave and ends up in the local hospital. As the sheriff in town finds out about her being a part of the missing party of six, he tries to interrogate her. But to no fault of her own, Sarah has lost her memory, pushing the traumatic experiences away from her conscious mind. The sheriff now comes to the conclusion that, in order to find the other women, Sarah needs to enter the cave again, jogging her memory and allowing her to give hints as to where the other women are. Alongside his assisting officer and a climbing team, he re-introduces Sarah to the cave system. Re-living the horrifying experiences, Sarah finds something she had never expected in the caves...
Compared to the first movie (which you can read about
here) this movie was a total failure. Following almost the exact same pattern, Part 2 gives us nearly no new information, and follows the same guidelines when it comes to scaring the viewers. Paranoia, claustrophobia, jump scares and gore are large parts of this movie as well, and the ending is extremely unsatisfying, as we get no reason for the final actions on screen. I wouldn't watch the movie again, but I don't consider it to be a total waste of time (even though it's close).
If you loved the first movie, you could watch this one, but I wouldn't really recommend it.
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