Much like christianity, Islam is originally a religion of peace, with most of it's members preaching about love and peace. Christianity and Islam share a lot of common ground, with many of the teachings sharing similarities. And we all know that Christianity has it's fare share of history with terror, however in a different era than Islam. The Crusades, for example, featured bloodshed and death in great numbers, and were mostly on Christian initiative.
I am in no way defending the actions of ISIS, but what we need to remember in times of terror is that every religion has extremists, and that those extremists are the only dangerous part of religion. Just like most Christians don't believe the crusades were justified, most who follow Islam take a stance against terrorism in the modern era.
Fear has a funny way of making us generalise a lot of things. We need to remember that extremists are dangerous, religious people aren't. There is a huge difference, most religious people don't believe in violence, following the teaching of the Bible, Quran or any other holy book in a peaceful way, believe in peace and love, even across the boarders of religion.
We need to stand united, no matter what. Religious or not, terror is not justified. The Earth will stand united against terror, regardless of the actions of extremists. No matter what you believe in, you can be a good person, who makes good choices and have a good influence on the world. No matter your religion, spreading positive energy will always be rewarded.
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