Sunday, May 21, 2017

Day #140

(I got home late last night, so I was too tired to post anything. Here is yesterday's positive choices, only a day late!)
   I spent yesterday in great company, watching the hockey game with one of the most important people in my life and his friends. Sadly, we lost, but hanging out with fun and interesting people is always a gain. As I don't really know them, getting to spend time with them is of course interesting as well, as I love getting to know new people.
   New people in your life often gives you a brand new perspective on things, and they open your eyes to new things and opportunities, something that is almost negative. Opening your eyes and seeing the world in a different way allows you to understand and get along with a larger range of people with different mentalities.
   I also got to walk home in some gorgeous weather, which was a huge bonus. For once it actually felt like summer was coming, since the sky was clear, the breeze was warm and I didn't freeze to death by walking around without a jacket. I'm very much looking forward to more of this kind of weather, since summer is a bit of a favorite season for me.
   I keep noticing that I'm seeing more and more positive things in my life, even if it's something small like watching a new tv show or something bigger, like summer holidays coming up. It's amazing what a positive perspective can do for a person. I feel more energized and happy, and the bad emotions I'm so used to having are all fading more and more. Maybe it's all because of the sunny weather, or maybe it's because of my new perspective on things. I've decided to not question it and just be grateful for the change. I feel like I deserve to feel better, I've been stressed and feeling bad for so long, maybe it's finally time for me to feel good about life.

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