Monday, May 29, 2017


Bildresultat för night   Last night I had the worst night's sleep in several years. I slept two hours, with long periods of being awake inbetween. Today's been spent in a state of sleep depraved struggling to keep awake. I don't really know what happened, I'm thinking it must be just the stress and the loads of work I have to do. Maybe the emotional stress of yesterday caught up to me, I don't know.
   Being tired is one of the worst things I know, I hate the feeling of knowing that you have hundreds of things you should be doing, but all you can manage is either sleeping or wishing you were asleep. That's what I spent most of today doing, however, I've managed to do a little bit of laundry, which was well needed. I know I could have slept longer in the morning, or taken a nap, but my sleep schedule has been very bad the past weeks and I want (and need) to fix that in order to be able to study properly.
   I hope that I'll have a more satisfying night's sleep tonight. I'm deciding to take today off completely and only do small things, so that my body won't overwork itself in the process. I'm looking forward to going to bed early tonight.

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