Many of you already know this, but I'm a huge Marvel-fan. The movies, the comics, the characters... All of it just speeks to me on a deep level, both personal and creative. So today's positive choice was easy, I got to watch
the Avengers with my boyfriend. Originally, he's not that into superheroes/comics, but I appreciate the effort he puts into liking something just because I do. I, of course, try to do the same for his interests, which I think is the most healthy approach.
Today was a very lazy day in general, meaning I didn't do much else than watch movies and talk to him on Skype, I however cleaned the apartment and went for a short walk during the afternoon. However, I'm starting to get a tiny bit of a headache, so I'm considering going to bed pretty soon before it evolves into a fullblown headache/migraine.
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