After Rocket steals some powerful batteries from the even more powerful race called the Sovereign the Guardians plane gets shot down. Soon to follow their crashing, a mysterious ship lands close by, with only two passangers. The male passanger introduces himself as Ego, revealing his identity to be Peter Quill's (Starlord's) father. Gamora, Peter and Drax decides to visit Ego's planet while Rocket, baby Groot and the captured Nebula (Gamora's sister) stay behind to repair the ship. While on Ego's planet, they get to know Mantis, a young alien woman with the power to change and sense other's emotions by touch.
Starlord quickly bonds with his father, learning that Ego is an ancient sentient being with amazing powers. However, something is not well, and the young Mantis soon tells Drax the horrible secret Ego is harboring, and the plan that will eliminate life as we know it.
Getting positive reviews almost all over the internet, it is no surprise that I as well speak in favor of this movie, being as great as the previous one. The humor, the characters and the plot fall together to make a close to perfect creation.
A true must-watch for any sci-fi or Marvel fan!
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