Today's positive thing was a really easy choice; I've always loved taking walks, and making myself able to sit down for the rest of the day with a clean conscience, I decided to take a walk during the afternoon today. I knew sitting down would be a huge part of my days, since it almost always is, being a student I have become accustomed to sitting down for the most part of my day (something that, as you probably know, isn't very good for your body, or for your mind for that matter),

I was accompanied by my boyfriend, who decided to come along after I asked him. We decided to go to a nearby park, and I had originally not planned for us to be outside for a really long time, but it ended up lasting almost 2 hours. Not that I'm complaining, I love being outside, the more the better I end up feeling. Besides, doing things spontaneously often means things turn out more fun and interesting than they originally were meant to be. I rarely get to be particularly spontaneous, which makes each time ten times more fun and exciting. The ability to do something without several weeks of planning is a highly underrated talent if you ask me. Being able to do only planned things often means a lot of trouble if the plans don't work out exactly the way they were originally meant to, so the skill of improvisation is important in many different situations. For example, I know that I need to become better at this, because planning is often a large part of everything that I do, and I want to be able to change my mind in the middle of things, not just follow a precisely drawn out plan.

We decided to go to Kuppisparken, which is quite a large, and very beautiful, in town. I personally love the place, not that I dislike any parks I've been in so far. I love the sense of open spaces with a side of forest to it, and I love the feeling of being outside and in nature without having to leave the city (though it's not quite the same as going into the forests around my mom and dad's place). The relaxation that follows taking a walk is also one of my favorite parts of the day, as you feel like you've physically accomplished something, without being too exhausted to do anything else for the rest of the day.
I'm also well aware of the fact that I'm probably sitting down way to much, spending most of my time using my computer or studying. It's said that you should only sit down for two hours every day, and I'm positive that I'm sitting for at least six hours every day, and probably a lot more than that.
The rest of today will probably be spent in the light of work, both creative, some for the blog and some things for school. I still have a few things to take care of before I get to leave for summer, but I have everything under control so far. It doesn't hurt to stay working ahead of schedule, making sure there is enough time to make every deadline. I'm hoping for nice weather tomorrow as well, so that I can spend some more time outside.
I hope that you are all taking advantage of the summer-like weather and that you are all looking forward to summer just like I am!
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