Friday, July 14, 2017

Day #193

Working hard or hardly working? A common joke, most of you have probably heard it. But in the past few days, I’ve lived it (the first part that is). I’ve been working my butt off, and I think I’ve got sore muscles in places I didn’t even realize I had muscles.
You can see what I’ve been up to in the picture, and you’re probably thinking it doesn’t look that hard. Trust me; it’s not… Until you start doing it for several hours every day, and now that I’ve done it for soon to be four days in a row, it really makes my back ache just thinking about it.
Thankfully I’ll have the weekend off to do some relaxing and easing my muscles back into a healthy state of relaxation (before going back to work on Monday again).
But despite all my sore muscles and all the strenuous activity, I love doing this. It gives me some sort of peace of mind to do physically heavy work, and I think I’m actually going to be quite sad when all of this is over… However, there’s no need to feel sad yet, as I still have a lot to do!

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