Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Day #204

My boyfriend has been asking me to go frisbee golfing with him since I came back here from Åbo. But there has always been a reason not to go, and we kept putting it off, but this sunday we finally went. And I loved it.
The only kind of golfing is mini golfing and I enjoyed that a lot when I was a kid. I loved it, but I never expected to like disc golfing as much as I did. I wasn’t too good at it (who is when you find something new to try), but I really liked it still. The weather wasn’t too great, but I loved the activity itself.
I’m really looking forward to the next time we go, and hopefully I’ll get a little bit better as we do it more. And also, I’m hoping to not hit the trees as much as I did Sunday.

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