Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Day #203

Saturday was partly spent with volleyball, the entire afternoon spent outside on the beach, in great company once more. I love volley, although I suck at it. Really, you’ve never seen a worse player than I am, but it’s so much fun to play! I also manage to get hurt every single time I play, bruising everywhere, but that doesn’t matter really either!
The weather was great, sunny but windy (so it wasn’t really hot either), the beach was warm and soft beneath my feet and the company was great. I loved it, though I think my shoulder got slightly sunburnt. I love spending time outdoors, I love fresh air and I love hanging out with people I care about.
I always think I should spend more time with people around me, care for them more, do more things with them, never really realizing that I actually do spend quite a large amount of time with them.

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