I do understand that you’re entitled to your own opinions, but I have no idea why someone would be homophobic. Why would someone care so much about who loves a man and who loves a woman, or who loves someone with any other gender. It’s none of your business, and you should probably get over yourself.
And before you do, don’t take up the “don’t wave it in my face”-thing, because why do straight couples get to crawl all over each other in public, but the moment a gay couple holds hands in public; oh my God moral no longer exists, everyone cries, the world crumbles and oh dear lord someone just looked directly at it and turned to stone! Why, though. I seriously need an explanation for this. And yet, for some reason, it’s more okay when girls hold hands in public than when guys do it. I also need an explanation for this.

So someone loves someone else, and for some reason you don’t like that. Why? If someone brings someone else joy, why would that bother you so much? Joy isn’t something that has a downside, and love isn’t something that should ever be hidden away or you should be shamed for.
Love is always love. If it’s between two consenting adults, it’s none of your business what happens between the both of them.
Another thing; why do you automatically think someone’s gay if they’re supportive of gay rights. Just because you want to support the rights of women, you don’t have to be a woman. You can be a white person supporting equality between ethnicities, and you can be straight and support other sexualities’ rights. If you support something, it makes you a supporter, you don’t need to be or become the thing you support.
I'm a supporter of LGBTQ rights, and I will always be. Speaking out against hate, ignorance will always be a huge part of me, and I'll never stop talking about the importance of these issues. Equality is one of the most important issues, and I will never stop fighting for it.
(Sources or images: Qureta & Twitter)
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