Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Day #206

I haven’t built a puzzle in almost a full year, and since the weather was so bad and I had a couple of hours to spare, and I was just loving the opportunity. I know I sound a little bit like a grandmother with nothing to do all day, but puzzles are so much fun! I love the relaxation they bring me, the satisfaction when you finish one, and the focus they allow you to have for the rest of the day.
I actually started another puzzle when I first began, one with parrots. But I felt like I needed a break, so I handled the easier puzzle with only 500 pieces this morning to get some extra relaxing.
I’m thinking of bringing one of my many puzzles here at my parent’s house with me when I go back to school, so I have something to relax with. My next year is going to be an extremely active one, so I think it’s well needed.

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