However, I’m not too concerned, since it’s not really an addiction yet. I don’t post every day or anything like that, sometime I post more or I post less, and I’ve read the first sign of actual dependence is routine, so I feel like I’m still good.
I’m currently addicted to something else. No, not substance abuse, I’m not smoking or something else that's bad for me, you can all relax. I’m just writing, a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean it. I’ve been typing out almost 20.000 words every day for about a week, and I feel great. I have never been so inspired in my life, I’ve never felt like my writing has been this good before! I don’t think I’ve ever been this productive before, it’s amazing, and I feel great!
I’m so excited about the new novel as well, and I love the sense of being productive. I’m also overjoyed that I’ll be having someone very close to me reading through it, and I’m thrilled about receiving the feedback!
Also, if you’d like to follow my instagram, you could easily do it by looking up @myspotsfordreams and enjoy this picture of my cute new theme!
Instagram is lovely. Love it! you have a new follower!