Sunday, June 11, 2017

BoJack Horseman

Relaterad bild   BoJack Horseman lives a Charlie Harper-like lifestyle, spending most of his time with alcohol, his exgirlfriend/agent, his best friends girlfriend, "working" as an actor. Most of the series is spent figuring out solutions to his drunken mishaps, finding out the root of his deep sadness and the solution to all his problems.
   The series, featuring a pink cat, a yellow lab, two normal people and a horse, evolves into something much more than the sum of it's parts. The show is deserving of much more recognition than it's currently getting, showing the parts of life that are often not shown in more traditional tv shows.
   Despite being a cartoon, it is no more for children than Rick & Morty, and I would highly recommend it to everyone that's not all too easily offended, likes jokes of every kind and love the concept of tvshows that actually dare to dig deeper than joking about politics and reaches core problems on a personal level.
   Not recommended for any of my younger readers! Is however recommended for my more adult readers.