Monday, June 5, 2017

Day #153

Bildresultat för smo & fro   Today's positive choice is very simple, but very important to me. I went out for smoothies with one of my dearest friends, whom I haven't seen in almost a full year. I've missed her a lot, and getting to catch up for a few hours was such a nice, refreshing experience. I got to tell her so much, and the best of all, I got to hear more about her life. Of course, we've kept in contact through our cellphones via both snapchat and instagram, but it's not the same as sitting next to eachother, talking directly to eachother instead of through screens.
   We went to Smo&Fro, which is one of my personal favorite smoothie places in town since they're always tasty no matter if I always skip the extra sugar, and my friend seemed to enjoy my choice, hopefully getting a positive experience. I had my personal favorite smoothie: banana/blueberry.
   I miss a lot of my friends from home, and getting to see one of them, even for a few hours, always makes me extremely happy, even overjoyed, and boosts my energy for several days afterwards. Friends are incredibly important to me, making up most of my life and I spend most of my time either with them or talking to them.
   (This was posted late due to me taking some time off during the weekend, spending time with my boyfriend and celebrating my birthday.)

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