Wednesday, June 14, 2017


I always feel like I could do more, like I could make things better, do more stuff, spend more time with everyone I care about, study more and put more work into everything I care about… But I’m not superhuman, my days only have 24 hours just like everyone else's, and I don’t have an unlimited amount of energy.
As humans we need to understand that we actually do have limits, that we can’t expand our time beyond a certain point. We’re limited, and that’s never going to change. No matter how much you want to, you can’t do everything, and that’s something that you really need to accept, unless you’re willing to overwork yourself and inevitably start to go crazy.

But that doesn’t mean you should feel limited, it just means that you need to learn how to prioritize. Choosing what you spend your time on is one of the most important choices you’ll ever make, because that’s going to shape the rest of your life.
Choose wisely.

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