Monday, June 19, 2017


Today I woke up tired, not sure why. I feel like I haven’t slept at all, even though I went to bed quite early (for me at least), and I slept until 9 this morning. Still, my head feels like my brain is made of porridge and my eyes feel unfocused and dry. I still haven’t had lunch, maybe that’s why. Or maybe my body misses the amount of sugar my diet used to consist of. Or it might be because I haven’t had coffee yet, who knows.
Today I start working, meaning I’ll soon have to get properly dressed and drag myself outside. I’m actually looking forward to doing something more physical, since most of what I do involve a large amount of mental work, but very little activity of any other kind. It’s going to be fun, since I also get to work outside.

I’m hoping for a productive day.

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