Thursday, June 15, 2017

Going Home

I fear I’m getting sick. I slept almost 10 hours tonight, and yet I feel exhausted and have a huge headache. I don’t have the time to get sick, but illness doesn’t consider whether you have time or not. Hopefully it’s just a small cold, and I’ll be as energetic as always in a week or two.
With only two days left in Åbo, I have a lot of things to take care of. I still have an exam tomorrow, and I have to clean my apartment before leaving to go home, and of course, I have tons of things to pack. Laundry is also a priority at this point, since I haven’t had the time to do it already, but I need to wash all the clothes I want to bring home with me. Having such a large closet it’s going to make it difficult to choose what to bring with me, since I’ve decided to bring just one bag with me.

I look forward to coming home, I honestly can’t wait. My apartment is starting to make me feel a bit claustrophobic, and since almost all my friends have left the city already (or are still living with their parents) my life has been plagued by boredom. I miss spending time in the forest, or just laying on the grass in our yard. I miss the pets and the people, and I’m really looking forward to getting home this Saturday.

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