Most people spend their entire life chasing happiness, hoping to find it as they run around after ambitions. Completing goals and finding ambitions is a part of happiness, but it's far from everything it's about.
Happiness is about inner peace. Inner peace isn't hard to come by either. People tend to choose their ambitions and goals for the wrong things; money, popularity, fame... We just assume that those things are going to make us happy automatically, but they don't. Money, popularity and fame doesn't mean anything in the end. It doesn't matter how many people want to be friends with you, what matters is what kind of friends they are. Close friends over shallow acquaintances, always. Fame doesn't matter either, nor does money (though it's better to have enough money than too little, of course).
What really matters is really what you feel. Do you feel peaceful and happy, or do you feel stressed and unhappy? Do you choose ambitions and goals based on things like fame and getting rich, or things that will actually make you happy?
Happiness isn't something that can be found, it has to come from inside. You create your own happiness, it can only come from your own mind and nowhere else.
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