We went to this adorable little place called café Latte. I love their cheesecake, but since there was no cheesecake left yesterday, I got carrot cake (something that I don't actually eat all that much) and I was actually pleasantly surprised. I loved it, and paired with the vegan hot chocolate I drank it was amazing. I loved the taste of vegan hot chocolate btw, considering drinking it several times again.

We can spend time together without actually doing something special, just sitting in a room, studying together or playing different games, and be able to change into a mood when we're very clingy and cuddly within a couple of seconds. We can be active and spend almost an entire day outdoors, and then the next one we could spend on the couch, marathoning a series. It's kind of a perfect balance, we work very well together. We share the same sense of humor, a certain taste in music and a small taste for adventure and trying to new things.
I'm certainy hoping for another 5 months, and I really think we're going be together for a long time. I look forward to spending the incoming 5 months with him as well.
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