Monday, October 16, 2017

I Went Home (The Vlog)

   So here's the new vlog, as promised. (Side note: I am so proud of myself for sticking to the new upload schedule for three weeks in a row, because usually I suck at keeping a schedule and having some discipline).
   I'm quite happy with how this one turned out, however it became really long for some reason I don't really understand, it's actually the longest video yet on my channel. But I don't think my videos will keep being this long, like the last one was about seven minutes, and I thought that one was too long (this one clocks out at about 11 minutes, after starting out with almost an hour of vlogging material (how crazy is that)). I can promise you that won't have to look at my face for ten minutes the next time. Other than that, I'm quite happy with the result. (I would have loved to make it shorter, but after cutting out all the things I wanted/felt like I could skip, I just didn't find anything more to remove.)
   I also got some "bloopers" from this one, which (at least I hope) will make the recap/extras video for this month more interesting.

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