Monday, October 2, 2017

Day #275

Today I spent my afternoon having my longest lunch yet… I met up with Sara at 12, after having promised her to introduce her to sushi, at a nearby bridge and walked together to Kawaii, my favorite sushi buffet. I loved it as usual, and she enjoyed the taste of sushi (which was a pleasant surprise, people tend to either love or hate it).
I wasn’t planning on staying too long, but when I finally checked the time I was baffled: we had spent almost four hours at our table, eating and chatting away without a care. Safe to say, this is the most time I’ve ever spent eating a single meal. It was amazingly enjoyable though, I mean there’s a reason for neither of us noticing how time just flew by.
On our way back, I made sure to enjoy the pleasant fall weather, and take a couple of pictures of our surroundings.

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