Look at this beautiful little blanket of snow that has settled everywhere! Snow is one of my favorite things ever, and I love the first snow every single year when it comes. Also, look at this obligatory church covered in snow picture (that's been uploaded all over the place from people in Turku).
Snow always makes me feel better about everything, I always get more energized and happier when it comes and lights up the dark around me. When I noticed it snowing yesterday, I even got a sudden burst of inspiration and wrote a short novel, but decided it was too personal to post it online. I'm hoping this inspiration burst continues for a long time, I feel like I've been lacking that for quite a while.
Sadly, I feel my busyness catching up to me. I've started to feel more tired recently, and now I'm feeling under the weather and can't stop coughing. I think I need to ease up and actually take a moment to myself every once in a while.

So in the spirit of taking my productivity down a notch, I'll be going to Helsinki this Saturday! I'm meeting up with a couple of friends, and will be bringing Theo with me. It's going to be good for me to get away from my usual surroundings again, because though I went home only two weeks ago I'm already feeling quite bored and like I've been too stationary for too long. So though it's in the middle of exam season, I'm going away Saturday, because I'm sure I can handle it, that I need it, and I feel like I need to meet my friends for a while. They always manage to make me feel energized and happy, and I need that right now. They're such happy, positive people and I can't wait to be around them in two days!
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