2. Hoodies ~ I love hoodies and sweatpants, I think those are the best things ever invented. However, I can't really wear them in summer or spring. The weather getting colder is shortly one of the best things ever.
3. Tea ~ I love tea, especially drinking a cup beneath a blanket, which (again) I can't do during summer or spring because I will inevitably get way too hot. And also, if it's in the company of a great book, it's even better.
4. Knitted hats ~ Perfect, comfortable and looking adorable on me, I just love knitted hats, which I'm now finally able to wear again. And also, everything else that's knitted. Knitted stuff are just amazing.
5. Leaves ~ Okay, maybe a tiny bit of a cliché, but the leaves changing color is absolutely one of my favorite things with the entire year. They color changing is just amazing, and the colors are so amazingly pretty.

7. Scary Movies ~ As all of you must know by now, I love scary movies, I think they (along with warm, cozy clothing) is the best things ever invented. I love the tingles running up and down your spine when you watch a good movie.
8. Halloween ~ Though Halloween isn't celebrated in my country, I love the thought and ideas that built the ground for Halloween, I adore the decorations and admire the cute costumes. I just think one of the best holidays invented is Halloween.
9. Christmas is coming soon ~ Call me childish, but I'm still excited for Christmas arriving every year. But now, instead of being excited about santa and presents, I more appreciate getting time off, going home to visit my family, spend quality time with them. And of course, there's the snow.
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