I have an unrepresented love for home cooked meals. Something about them just makes me feel all warm and comfortable inside, and I especially love my boyfriend's spaghetti, which he made for dinner tonight. A home made dinner was exactly the thing that I needed today, since my day has been filled with quite a lot of stress (my first exam of the year, for example, which I think went okay, at least I hope it did) and a lot of running from place to place, which I'm slowly getting used to at this point.
We (me and Theo) recently developed a system where I make the salad and he cooks the actual, which I think is benefitial for both parties. I very rarely consider myself to have the inspiration for cooking, and he doesn't have the patience to actually chop the ingredients of a salad into pieces small enough (at least according to my standards, which are quite strict to be honest). Besides, I actually quite enjoy the tideous work that is making a salad, something about repeating the same movements over and over makes me very calm. I think our little system works very well.

Sidenote: today I realised that it will be winter soon, and I was not prepared for that realization. I'm ready for my fall leaves and strong winds to be taken away just yet. Thankfully, I've still got most of October left, and I'm looking forward to spending as much time as I can outside, admiring the lovely fall colors. Sidenote over.
My boyfriend seems to have figured out when I'm stressed and when he needs to take a bit extra care of me, and I'd like to think that I've figured that out about him as well.
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