We live in an amazing era, and I don't think we appreciate this enough. We live in a time when people on youtube can make a living talking to themselves in their own bedrooms, a time where people like me can share their thoughts and ideas with hundreds (or in the case of other bloggers, several thousand people every day) without leaving our beds. We walk around with the means to know everything, read anything, listen to anything and do anything in our pockets: we can look for apartments, a job, write a book, market our brand/company, date and meet the love of our life, look at any place on the entire globe by typing it into our device and almost everything else by pressing a few buttons on a small phone contained in our back pocket. You have so many opportunities they didn't have even ten years ago, and I don't think we appreciate that enough.
I keep hearing about people who think they don't have the opportunity to do something, and often (not all the time, there are people who actually need help to reach their goals and dreams and don't have the means to do these things by themselves) I notice they have a lot of things in common: these are often people who don't make an effort to change their lives, an effort to improve their lives or themselves.
I'm not saying those who actually need help to reach their goals are weak or not making enough effort: often other people can be the biggest reason for success, and there is no shame in asking for help. I have a lot of respect for powerful relationships, and consider my personal relationships to be one of my biggest successes.

I'm saying that we should take advantage of the technology that surrounds us. Take advantage of your computer and your phone, use them to learn as much as you can, have as amazing experiences as possible, meet as many new people as possible, do whatever you want with them, but make sure to make the best use of them if you use technology.
And if you dream about doing something you can currently work towards, make sure you work for that dream, that goal every day, no matter what it is and where you are. Working towards your own goals and your dreams should always be a priority.
(Image source: upper; AliExpress.com, lower: Best Buy)
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