I have a lot of things on my mind at the moment, causing me to miss out on a lot of things around the things occupying my brain at the moment. I feel like I’m missing out on things socially in the past week, like I don’t have the time or the energy to socialize, no matter if I try my best. I’m also really, really tired lately and I don’t understand why. Part of me thinks it’s the stress and all the things on my mind and things I still don’t have control over.
I still haven’t found a new apartment, and despite me not being in any kind of hurry, it’s actually kind of starting to get to me. It’s annoying to go to several apartment showings, and not get picked for a single one. I’m hoping this will become easier though, because soon enough all the new students will have found apartments and I will continue looking. I’ve also heard that the market diles down in the late autumn/winter too, so hopefully my odds will be higher in a few weeks. It’s also extremely frustrating to still have an apartment that I don’t really like anymore, it’s so small and almost claustrophobic there. I don’t ask for much, just a home I can be comfortable in.
My first exam is coming up friday and I still have a lot of studying to do. I also have 4 more exams this month, and that stresses me out. Four is a lot, and it’ll consume an enormous amount of time, that I don’t really have. I still have to look for an apartment, which (if you consider the apartment showings) take several hours a week, and actual time spent in lectures and in the lab, leaves me with almost no time to study, especially since I’m going home next weekend.
Slowly but surely I think I’m stressing myself out, however, I’m convinced that I’ll feel better about everything as soon as I find my new apartment, it’s an important piece of my health.